What is the hardest thing to do when it comes to those you love? I would say having that tough conversation. Brazillian Jiu jitsu at its core is about communication.
While we talk with our bodies rather than our words, the same principles are in place. There are times that I realize I am struggling with a technique that has worked for some time now. In that instance I must have an internal conversation with my training partner mid roll to figure out why it is not working. I must evaluate his positioning and my approach to his positioning in order to take back control. Otherwise I will falter.
I must nip the poor technique in the bud.
If I don’t approach the situation with an open mind and objectivity, the situation will begin to spiral out of control and in turn, become toxic. This toxicity is what we must not allow to occur.
We have the same problems as citizens of the world. We as training partners, coaches, lovers, friends, and family are destined to have disagreements. These disagreements are within our control. We as civilized leaders must realize that we have to approach the disagreement with an open mind and most importantly, objectively. This is the important part because we don't have all of the information that is needed in order to make a properly informed opinion.
For these Blue Belt Blues it comes down to communication. Communicating to ourselves and our partners whether internally or externally. If you need help learning how to communicate with others but don't have the knowledge for starting that tough conversation. Learn these skills through the application of martial skills. Start with the internal conversations then use that knowledge base to extend outwards.
**Obejectivity is key**